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Permasolid Elastic Additive 9050 is an additive based on special polyester resins. It is used to adjust the following products to the elasticity required for painting plastic parts:
- Permasolid® HS surfacer
- Permasolid® HS clear coats
- Permacron® MS clear coats
- Permasolid® HS automotive top coat 275
- Permacron® MS automotive top coat 257 / 730
- Permafleet® HS surfacer
- Permafleet® HS clear coats
- Permafleet® 2K top coats 630 / 670 / 675
- PercoTop® 2K top coats
Permasolid® Elastic Additive 9050 gives the paint system a lasting high degree of elasticity.