SPIES HECKER clear coat 8035/5 HS

329,00 €
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Permasolid® HS Clear Coat 8035 is a high-gloss, VOC-compliant High Solid clear coat from our 2K-Acrylic system.

  • application in 2 coats (preferred), (1.5 coats possible)
  • very good top coat hold-out
  • good vertical stability
  • good polishing properties
  • very good filling power and gloss
SPIES HECKER lakas 8035/5 HS
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Technical data

VOC less than 420g/lYes
Number of layers2
Hardener mixing ratio3:1
Dilution ratio-
Drying time in +20°C24 h
Drying time in 60°C30 min
Hardness-scale from 1 to 5-
Product leveling, flow - from 1 to 5-